Bon Air Title Agency
We just make it easier
PHONE:  804-320-1336
9211 Forest Hill Avenue, Suite 111, Richmond, VA 23235

Title Coverages

Bon Air Title Agency offers two levels of title insurance coverage.

Full-Coverage (Enhanced) and Limited Coverage (Basic)

Our default owner’s title insurance policy is the Full-Coverage Policy; it is the most comprehensive coverage in the title insurance industry. The Full-Coverage Title Policy gives expanded title coverage for owners of one-family to four-family residences, including condominiums. It provides more title coverage automatically than any previous policy. It offers protection for some risks that occur after settlement. Such coverage includes post-policy encroachments, identity theft, access, building permit violations, annual increase in policy coverage and much much more!

On the other hand, the Limited (Basic) Title Policy protects purchasers only on items prior to their real estate closing.

Bon Air Title Agency can provide either title coverage that the purchasers feel will meet their needs. Please speak with your real estate closing attorney to determine the appropriate level of coverage for you.

Comparison of Coverage PDF


Brad K. Simpson, President
Bon Air Title Agency
Ph: 804-320-1336Fax:804-320-0024
9211 Forest Hill Avenue, Suite 111
Richmond, VA 23235 US
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